My pseudonym is ginga123; and, I am a late 20s to early 30 something Southern belle living in the heart of the Mississippi Delta. I am your average, everyday blue collar worker with white collar education. No stilettos for me. I work within the mass markets of retail industry and have a bachelor's degree in Corporate Communications. I found out very quickly in my early 20s that I am not your average run-of-the-mill cubicle-jungle office worker. I couldn't stay confined and chained to my desk forever. I didn't see or feel my future would be there. I couldn't fathom that my voice didn't matter and others taking ownership of your hard work was considered productive. So, I My need for freedom, self-expression, and a good pair of comfortable shoes were too great. Every now and then I still get a phone call from the "Jungle Out There." But, my reply to this day still is: "Thank you. However, my skill set has completely changed and so have I. Take heart, I am chasing after my dreams. I just have to work a little harder than most to get there and I am making my treads for others who wish to follow the same path as I."
I have always a passion for good literature and animation. Granted, Japanese animation and classic British and American literature have absolutely nothing in common. Animation is based off literature. These opposite polar show how eclectic and interconnected a person's personality and interests truly are. I stumbled upon the hobby of production art collecting during that time in everyone's early 20s somethings' lives by accident. The monotonous details of how it came about really are trivial. It was that time when we were declaring to the world who we are and how we wished to be remembered. Today, it is my rebellious way to say that I may grow older and wiser; but my spirit will always be young at heart and it is for me to leave for future generations to share.
My advice to those out there who hear the Call of the Wild this is: "Dare to dream. Dare to be unique. Dare to be yourself."
Remember, you can make a difference no matter where you go and what you do. Just remember to always put your best effort and foot forward in everything you do.
As per the collection itself, it highlights a journey from bishoujo to shonen animation, even hints of ecchi. A delicate and balanced transition from acetate to CG. Do not let the "Moonie" branding fool you. There is something here for everyone to appreciate.
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