Welcome to the G.A.G.  the Revolution is Here

my passions were all gathered together like fingers that made a fist. 

drive is considered aggression today...

i knew it then as purpose.- bette davis  

Friday, 10-3-2014:


Welcome to Ginga's Anime Galactica, version 2.0.


Everything on display is from my personal and private anime cel and sketch collection.  I own all the scans, cels, and sketches.  Copyrights to each animation series on display belong to their perspective owners, studios, and creators.  


Please keep manga and anime accessible to the public by respecting our rights.  Please DO NOT "lift" and redistribute my scans over the internet.


Thank you.

To date, there are 14 total animation series that I own film celluloid and sketches and display.  This gallery will be segmented by genre once construction is complete.  


Due to the size of my collection and if a series section is ready for display, it will be available for viewing under the Gallery section and cross-marketed by blog.  

I appreciate your patience and understanding during this transition.  


Lastly, my collection of film celluloid and sketches is NOT FOR SALE or TRADE.  


If I decide to sell something, I will place

it under the official Sales Page
"Ginga's Frills & Steals."  Thank you.  


P.S.- This page will have more functionality once construction is complete as well.