This Ugly Beautiful World is a sci-fi animation series created by Shouji Saeki and Hiroyuki Yamaga.
The CG-12 episode anime was released by Gainax and Shaft studios in 2004. A manga adaptation of the anime was also released in 2004 and illustrated by Ashita Morimi. Hikari, the Goddess of Destruction & Rebirth, descends to Earth to reset the evolution process of the human race. Her true form is light. A pair of teenage boys named Ryou and Takeru, travelling home by bike, spot a star falling into the forest and stop to investigate road side. Takeru discovers Hikari in her true form. A frightened Hikari quickly appears before Takeru in human form to shield her true form and, as a result, suffered memory loss.
The model sheets displayed below were used as part of the animation process as a reference for in-between animators to draw specific characteristic features. The logo featured from this animation series is for provenance only and is not intended for personal use. All copyrights reserved.