
xxxHolic is an ongoing manga and anime series created by CLAMP in 2003.  The narrative revolves around a young, teenage boy named Wantanuki and a sake loving witch named Yukko who helps him develop, control, and appreciate his psychic-metaphysical abilities. According to Wikipedia, CLAMP is presently at work on the third installment, xxxHolic:: Rei.   The first two seasons of the anime, including OVAs, were produced by Production I.G. between 2006 and 2010.  The critically acclaimed story line became a "portal" tying  multiple CLAMP-cult classics together within one realm.  It has become my favorite seinen works to date and I hope you will enjoy the series too. 


The sketches and layout sheets featured below were used as part of the animation process.  The logo featured from this animation series is for provenance only and is not intended for personal use. All copyrights reserved.